Truck detailing is just as important and popular as auto detailing. You will find millions of trucks on Texas roads and highways each and every day. And women are driving a large percentage of those trucks. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. Go to your local car wash and look who is getting their vehicles cleaned. Women outnumber the men. It is just a fact. Because of this, truck detailing is a woman dominated industry. Men are not ignoring cleaning their vehicles; however, women are nearly 65% of that business segment. It is certainly safe to say that everyone prefers driving a clean and attractive vehicle over a dirty and unattractive one. Have you ever gotten into a cluttered and untidy car of a friend or relative? How did that make you feel? Yeah, I know what you mean. I felt the same way.

A sparkling clean truck just back from a truck detailing looks fabulous. Everyone notices and everyone wants their truck to look just like that. The #1 Auto Detail Industry Trend indicates that people are keeping their vehicles longer and therefore need to take better care of them. This includes auto and truck detailing because appearance goes hand in hand with better care and lasting longer. Trucks are larger than a normal auto and therefore cost more for vehicle washing and vehicle detailing. Detailing your vehicle adds to its value so consider it an investment in your long-term transportation future. It will make you feel better each time you drive it too. It’s human nature to feel better about yourself when you take care of yourself properly.
When we are talking about truck detailing, we are referring to those trucks that aren’t covered with paint, dents, and rust. True blue collar work trucks that were bought used and haven’t been washed in years are not included in our discussion here. When it rains is the only time, these trucks ever get washed as simple as that may sound. We are talking about trucks that are used as transportation and occasionally get used for hauling or towing, not the other way around. The transportation trucks far outnumber the true work trucks.
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