Dashboard and console maintenance for the interior of your vehicle is important to its overall appearance. You become immune to the interior appearance of your ride after time. However, your passengers notice those two things as soon as they get seated and fasten their seat belts. Therefore, keeping the dashboard and console clean and polished should be high on your list of things to do! That is if you have pride in your auto or truck. Women are especially aware of the cleanliness or lack thereof in your vehicle’s interior. Afterall, they have to sit in your auto or truck and most ladies will appreciate a clean atmosphere which includes the console and the dashboard. Surely that makes sense.
Protecting your Vehicle

Awareness of how your vehicle looks to others is a good thing. It shows your consideration for others. No one wants to ride in a dirty or messy automobile. A weekly wipe down and clean-up will do wonders for the appearance of your dashboard and console. The carwash or detail service that you use will professionally take care of those two things when using those services. Uniseal is especially aware of your dashboard and console being an important part of your vehicle and therefore makes a special effort to perfectly clean and polish them.
UV rays damage the surface of the dashboard as well as the console. Treating both with a protective coating will enhance the appearance of these two focal points. This protection will also keep your console and your dashboard looking new for a long time. And isn’t that the idea and purpose for detailing your vehicle. Keeping your ride looking new enhances the vehicle value. It also makes you proud and feel good regarding your auto or truck. It’s a great feeling to be sure. Your passengers will notice and understand that you care about them and that you protect your investments like a truck or auto. Way to go! Your passengers will be impressed. Schedule your detail today!