Auto paint fades from a plethora of reasons. Most of the reasons are found naturally as we go through life. Sunlight gives us valuable light and heat but also contains UV Rays. These ultraviolet rays not only damage our skin but damage the paint on our autos and trucks. These ultraviolet rays are extremely damaging and come to us through natural sunlight. They are truly unavoidable and auto paint fades over time when coming into contact with them.

Acid rain is another natural event that has a negative effect on the paint of our autos and trucks. The acid rain degrades the paint on vehicles and houses as it comes into contact with them as this rain falls from above. There is very little we can do to avoid these unwanted events when caught out driving. Carports and garages are good defenses and protectors for our vehicles. However, when we get caught in a downpour of acid rain paint of our cars and trucks paint is attacked. Your auto paint fades due to this type of natural event.
Auto Paint Fades for Several Reasons
Bugs, flying debris, and pollen also damages the paint of your vehicle. Auto paint fades because of contact with these natural things that occur while driving. It is nearly impossible to avoid and difficult to defend against if your auto or truck ever leave your garage. Uniseal of Houston and Arlington, TX have several products and services that will help protect your auto or truck against the degrading and damaging characteristics of UV Rays, Acid Rain, Bugs, Flying Debris, and Pollen. Uniseal also has services to repair faded vehicle paint that already exists.
Vehicle details, paint repair, and ceramic coating are all services that will help your vehicle look like new again. This can happen even after nature has had its way with your ride over the time of ownership that we all have. Contact Uniseal for a free evaluation of what your vehicle needs to have that new car look again.