Auto dealers require detailing services for their inventory just like the general population does for their personal vehicles. Most of us like to keep our cars and trucks looking nice for personal reasons. Pride of ownership and ego are a couple of those personal reasons. Auto dealerships need their car and truck inventory looking nice and clean for a different reason. They want to sell those vehicles as quickly as possible. Auto dealers have learned over the years that clean and shiny vehicles sell faster than dusty and dirty ones. It is practically a “no brainer” to understand that people do not want to spend thousands of dollars buying a dirty car or truck. Therefore, auto dealers spend thousands of dollars every month to maintain a clean and fresh-looking inventory of new and pre-owned vehicles.
Specialty Detailing Services

Some auto dealers require detailing and have full time employees that are responsible for keeping their vehicles clean and fresh looking. Many dealerships employ outside companies like Uniseal to take charge of on-premises vehicle inventory cleanliness. It is very cost effective for dealerships to employ outside companies for vehicle inventory detailing. It allows the dealerships to concentrate on auto and truck sales and service. It’s why they are in the auto business in the first place. It allows them to become better at their very competitive business. And better translates into higher profits and increased sales of both new and pre-owned vehicles for the auto dealership.
Outside companies that detail vehicles for dealerships can also take care of new and pre-owned deliveries. This specialized service can also include vehicle delivery immediately following the sales process. Everyone buying a new car expects to be presented with a car that is shiny and clean. They also expect a full tank of gas. The auto buying process can be stressful therefore the shiny and clean vehicle is critically important for the buyer. Auto dealers require detailing. It is a necessary part of the process. There is more to an auto dealer than just selling cars and trucks. Uniseal continues to be the Industry Leader in the Dealer “Make-Ready Services” for almost 40 years. When choosing a company for vehicle inventory detailing, experience matters.